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Its simple, simmered tomatoes with garlic, onion, and red pepper with gently poached eggs. Topped with your favorite fresh herbs and served with some crusty bread, its a crowd pleaser for all ages. One night C and I were watching a cooking competition show on 

Roasted Pork with Balsamic and Red Potatoes

Roasted Pork with Balsamic and Red Potatoes

My mom, who is awesome, usually does a big Costco run when she comes to visit. She bought us Top Sirloin Pork Roasts thinking they were something completely different. I had never made a pork roast before this so I did a bit of research 

Spring Sausage Pasta

Spring Sausage Pasta

Originally I made this dish for some new friends late at night on a Monday, while drinking tequila, venting, and laughing a the similarities in our lives. As the story goes, I had recently met the other Mom’s on my street and we decided to meet up for a ‘driveway beer’ which then turned into a ‘whoops we are out of beer but we have tequila’ situation. LOLOLOL. Long story short we got hungry, no one had a frozen pizza in their freezer, so I decided to throw something together for them. The next day we all swore we didn’t have hangovers BECAUSE of this pasta. A few days after this I decided to recreate this dish for the fam and it was a big hit.

Chicken Wings & Greek Yogurt Dill Sauce

Chicken Wings & Greek Yogurt Dill Sauce

Ordering wings has always been a tradition in Christian and I’s relationship. The best wings we have EVER had was at this little dive bar in Boston, in The “NAUTH” End (North End) of the city where we lived back in 2009. Since then we 

Broccolini and Bacon Fritatta

Broccolini and Bacon Fritatta

After Easter there were a LOT of extra eggs in this house, along with a lot of extra family members, lol. Fritatta’s are a great option when you have a lot of mouths to feed! Going with the ‘clean out your fridge’ theory, I created 

Mushroom Swiss Sliders

Mushroom Swiss Sliders

Not going to lie, this recipe was inspired by all of the Whataburger billboard ads all around Austin. They had me drooling, I’ve always added mushrooms to my burger. Instead of stopping and getting one I decided to make them at home! They were a huge hit. Sliders are the perfect size for small kids. These are simple enough for week nights and served outside on the patio (with some crunchy raw veg on the side) made it feel like a Saturday for sure.

Mushroom Swiss Sliders

Mushroom Swiss Sliders

Supplies you will need:
Outdoor grill or grill pan
Saute Pan
Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 20 mins
Total Time 35 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine American


  • 1 pkg Mini Hawaiian Buns
  • 1 lb Ground Bison (can use ground protein of your choice)
  • 1 pkg Crimini Mushrooms 1/2 pkg sliced 1/2 package minced
  • 5 slices Swiss Cheese quartered
  • 3 tbsp Butter
  • 1 tbsp Steak Seasoning
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Mustard
  • 2 tsp Salt/Pepper
  • 2 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce

Toppings and Sides of your Choice

  • Mayo, Mustard, Ketchup
  • Chopped Veggies, carrot and cucumbers


  • Take bison meat out of the refrigerator and let sit for at least 20 minutes. Turn on your grill. If using a grill pan, turn the burner on low and let it get hot. 
  • In your saute pan, add 1.5 tbsp butter along with the minced mushrooms, saute for 4-5 minutes until tender, season with salt and pepper. Set aside to cool. Repeat this step with the sliced mushrooms. Set aside. In a large bowl add the bison, steak seasoning, garlic powder, ground mustard, 1 tbsp of Worcestershire and a few dashes of salt and pepper. Using a spoon, mix until all ingredients are blended. Add the cooled minced mushrooms to the bison mixture and gently mix. (Try not to over mix) . 
  • Using your hands, start to make your sliders. I like to use a large tablespoon to measure each burger. This will make approximately 8 sliders. Cook the sliders 3-4 minutes each side or done to your liking. Top each burger with a slice of Swiss cheese and continue to cook until cheese has melted. Serve the burgers on a Hawaiian bun with sauteed sliced mushrooms and desired toppings. 
Keyword Burgers, Mushrooms, Sliders
Mommy’s Green Juice

Mommy’s Green Juice

I started making this recipe back in 2013 when I was pregnant with my first kid, I was super duper sick and had a hard time getting nutrients in those first few weeks. Since then I’ve been making it for the whole family and everyone 

Ground Turkey Stir Fry

Ground Turkey Stir Fry

Usually on Tuesdays we do stir fry! Why you ask? I do my grocery shopping on Tuesdays which is when most grocery stores receive new produce. This is a great way of getting rid of the produce you may not have used over the weekend 

Sheet Pan Nachos

Sheet Pan Nachos

This dish is SO much fun for the kids to help make. They can help you pick out the ingredients of their choice and it makes it seem like THEY made the dinner so then they have to eat it. Really you can use any topping you love. Its colorful and quick, a good way to disuse the veggies by covering them with cheese!


Sheet Pan Nachos

Supplies needed:
Large Cookie Sheet
Parchment Paper
Piping Bag or Large Storage Plastic Bag
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Total Time 20 mins
Servings 6


  • 1/2 – 3/4 Bag Tortilla Chips (can be any flavor)
  • 1 1/2 – 2 Cups Grilled Chicken (chopped)
  • 1 1/2 Cups Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese
  • 1/2 15oz Can of Black Beans (rinsed and drained)
  • 1 Roma Tomato (chopped)
  • 2 Green Onions (diced) `
  • 1 Avocado (sliced)
  • 6 oz Greek Yogurt
  • 1-2 sprigs Cilantro or herb of your choice
  • Pickled Jalapeno (optional)
  • Salt and Pepper


  • Heat oven to 400 degrees, line large sheet pan with parchment paper. Using a standard glass cup, insert the piping bag or large plastic storage bag and fold over side of cup creating a pocket to spoon in greek yogurt. Set aside.
  • Evenly place tortilla chips and cover with ½ of the cheese.
  • Layer in order, black beans, tomatoes, diced green onion, cooked chicken, rest of the cheese. 
  • Bake in oven for 8-10 minutes or until cheese in melted to your liking.
  • Top with the sliced avocado. Drizzle over Greek yogurt by cutting the tip off the piping or storage bag. Finish with the chopped fresh cilantro, black olives and dash of S &P


If you’re one of those people that think cilantro tastes like soap, you have other options! I’ve used fresh parsley, dill, or even oregano and it worked well. This is a super easy clean up and if you should have leftovers (you will probably not) simply fold the nachos up in the parchment paper used for baking and stick in the fridge!
Mushroom Chicken Pasta

Mushroom Chicken Pasta

Such a simple yet satisfying bowl of pasta. Its good for feeding a crowd and especially if that crowd includes children! I love the combination of the two different pastas, gives the dish a great texture. Now I get it, some kids aren’t into mushrooms,